无依无靠 have no one to depend on [turn to]; be alone in the world; be left forlorn and without a protector; friendless and helpless; have nothing to depend on; have nowhere [no one] to turn to for help and support; no one to support for living; with nobody [no family] to fall back on
顿踬无靠 stumble by the way without support -- poverty-stricken
六亲无靠 cannot rely on any one of the six relationships -- nobody to turn to; helpless; have no relatives or friends to depend [rely] on 他六亲无靠。 he is left alone and has no one to support him
他六亲无靠 he is left alone and has no one to support him
It is inhuman to strike at helpless people . 伤害无依无靠的人是残酷的。
Fate was kind to the helpless baby . 这个无依无靠的婴儿命里注定不该死。
I'm a poor forlorn girl . 我是一个可怜的,无依无靠的女孩子。
It sometimes takes away from fear, tension, and feelings of helplessness . 它能减轻一个人恐惧、紧张或无依无靠的心情。
It sometimes takes away from fear, tension and feelings of helplessness . 它能减轻一个人的恐惧、紧张或无依无靠的心情。
I was much touched by this act of kindness on the part of that wily old man towards two utterly defenseless strangers . 这位足智多谋的老人对我们两个无依无靠的外乡人的关切使我为之感动。
The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister, impersonal bureaucracy . 主要成分是一种面对庞大的,阴险的、非人格化的官僚机构而产生的使人迷惘的、无依无靠的梦魇般的感受。
Where she ' d be depending solely on me 去一个除了我之外她无依无靠的地方
Where she ' d be depending solely on me 去一个除了我之外她无依无靠的地方
Scarlett : you should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless 斯佳丽:你真该羞死!把我孤零零丢在这里,无依无靠的