His ancestral home is in hefei , anhui province 1989年考取卢沉教授研究生, 1991年获文学硕士学位。
He was allowed to proceed to an ma 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
1988 master of arts 1988年获文学硕士学位
With a bachelor of arts , you are on the launching pad . but now you have to start to put on the brakes 有了文学硕士学位,你就可以飞黄腾达,但现在你还是要小心谨慎
William met middleton at st andrews university in scotland , where he earned a master of arts degree in geography 威廉王子获得了圣安德鲁斯大学地理学专业的文学硕士学位。
Mendels earned a master of arts degree in japanese studies from the university of california at berkeley and a bachelor s degree in east asian studies from wesleyan university Mendels获得了加州大学伯克利分校的文学硕士学位方向为日本研究和卫斯理大学的学士学位方向为东亚研究。