- 推理 inference; ratiocination; il ...
- 名家 the School of Logicians; the ...
- 名家 1.(古代以辩论名实问题为中心的思想流派;形名家) the school of logicians (in the spring and autumn and warring states periods, 770-221 b.c.); the logicians2.(著名专家) a person of academic or artistic distinction; famous expert; master 名家手笔 the handwritings of celebrities; 她在名家指导下学画。 she studied painting under masters
- 推理 [逻辑学] inference; ratiocination; illation; reasoning; ratiocinate 用推理方法 by inference; 归纳推理 inductive reasoning; 间接推理 indirect inference; 类比推理 reasoning from analogy; 演绎推理 deductive reasoning; 直接推理 direct inference
- 地理名称 geographic name
- 地理名词 geographical term
- 古训、至理名言 wisdom
- 管理名称或 manager name or iaddress
- 后置处理名 postprocess name
- 内山理名 rina uchiyama
- 苏联总理名 kosygin
- 藤泽理名 rina fujisawa
- 田岛理名 rina tajima
- 至理名言 the true saying; a famous saying whose essence is truth itself; a maxim pregnant with wisdom that speaks well for human reason; a true remark; an adage recognized for its truth and worth; axiom; celebrated [famous] dictum; golden saying; most true sayings: “骄必败”乃至理名言。 “pride comes before a fall” is a famous dictum
- 名家柏奇 david birch
- 名家出击 chillout
- 名家讲坛 expert forum
- 名家巨擘 celebrated masters
- 名家手笔 the handwritings of celebrities
- 名家欣赏 speech
- 名家专栏 columns
- 名家综述 expert review
- 名家荟萃 famousmasters
- 能手, 名家,大师 master n
- 无名家族 family honor