

  • rationality



  • 例句与用法
  • But as a training study , we think its design should been improved . we adopted more rigorous design than his study and conducted an training study about the ability of rule - based reasoning in young children . furthermore , our study assessed distant - transfer of training effect . the results were follows : 1 . the age range from 3 . 5 to 4 years is a rapid period for the development of children ' s rule - based reasoning ability . at this age , the age shows an obvious effect on the development and children ' s reasoning ability udndergoes a rapid development . at about the age of 4 , most children possess the ability to use embedded rules and can switch flexibly between sets of rules keeping two incompatible rules in mind . 2
    但patricia等人的训练研究还存在一些需要改进的地方,基于此,本研究采用实验组控制组前测后测的实验设计对儿童的规则推理能力进行训练,并进一步探讨了训练效果的远迁移问题,得出了以下结论: 1 、 3 . 5岁到4岁是儿童利用二维合取规则进行推理能力的快速发展期,在这一阶段,年龄效应显著,儿童的规则推理力在这一阶段得到了飞速的发展,到4岁时,大部分儿童已掌握合取规则,能有效利用高级规则抑制优势反应,在两套不相容的规则间进行灵活转换。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推理力とは意味:1. deductive powers 2. power of reasoning 3. rational faculty 4. reasoning capacity 5. reasoning faculties 6. reasoning power 7. reasoning skill
  • 推荐英语阅读
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