- 抽血 draw blood
- 注射 injection; inject; get a sho ...
- 预防 prevent; take precautions ag ...
- 反应 neaction
- 法 law
- 抽血注射预防法 exogemophylaxis
- 麻风预防反应 lepro-prophylactic effect
- 反应法 reaction method
- 安络血注射液 adrenosem injection
- 焙烧反应法 roast reaction process; roasting reaction method
- 表面反应法 surface-reaction method
- 汽相反应法 vapor reaction method
- 强制反应法 forced response method
- 全身反应法 total physical response
- 双反应法 two reaction method
- 延迟反应法 delayed reaction method
- 助熔剂反应法 flux-reaction technique
- 抽血 draw blood (for a test or transfusion); haemospasia◇抽血器 hemospast; 抽血装置 bloodletting instrument
- 预防注射 inoculating; inoculation; pediatric vaccinations; vaccination
- 预防注射科 prophylactic immunization
- 防反 counnter attack
- 应法 able to respond to or follow the doctrine to
- 癌症预防注射 preventive inoculation cancer
- 边境预防注射 frontier vaccination
- 霍乱预防注射 anticholera vaccination