- 强制 force; compel; coerce
- 反应 neaction
- 法 law
- 反应法 reaction method
- 焙烧反应法 roast reaction process; roasting reaction method
- 表面反应法 surface-reaction method
- 汽相反应法 vapor reaction method
- 全身反应法 total physical response
- 双反应法 two reaction method
- 延迟反应法 delayed reaction method
- 钢制反应釜 steel bomb; steel reactor
- 控制反应物 limiting reactant
- 抑制反应 inhibited reaction; inhibiting reaction; inhibition reaction; inhibitory reaction
- 助熔剂反应法 flux-reaction technique
- 化学控制反应 chenical-controlled reaction
- 混合控制反应 mixed-controlled reaction
- 可控制反应堆 controlled reactor
- 扩散控制反应 diffusion-controlled reaction
- 密度管制反应 density-governing reaction
- 平衡控制反应 equilibrium-controlled reaction
- 受制反应学习 response dependent learning; responsedependent learningg
- 血凝抑制反应 hair hemoagglutination inhibition reaction; hemagglutination inhibition reaction; hemagglutination-inhibition reaction
- 应法 able to respond to or follow the doctrine to
- 传动控制反应器 transmission control governor
- 间接血凝抑制反应 indirect hemagglutination inhibition reaction; indirect hemagglutination inhibition test