- take it as a handle against sb
- 抓 grab; clutch; get; seize; gr ...
- 某人 a certain person
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 小辫子 a mistake or shortcoming tha ...
- 小辫子 a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by others; vulnerable point; handle 有小辫子给人抓 have vulnerable points that others may capitalize on; 抓某人的小辫子 take it as a handle against sb
- 梳成一排排的小辫子 cornrows
- 揪小辫子 seize sb.'s queue--seize upon sb.'s mistakes or shortcomings
- 小辫子线 plaitted twine
- 抓小辫子 have sb. by the short braids [plaits] -- find fault with someone; capitalize on sb.'s vulnerable point
- 某人的小错 the minor fault that sb has committed when compared with one's own much greater fault
- 动手抓某人 no.to put the arm to somebody
- 伸手抓某人 make a reach for sb
- 有小辫子给人抓 have vulnerable points that others may capitalize on
- 某人的 someone's
- 黑人的小孩 piccaninny; pickaninny
- 迷人的小溪 the enchantment of creeks
- 辫子 1.(小辫) plait; braid; queue; pigtail 梳辫子 wear one's hair in braids; plait the hair; 把问题梳梳辫子 sort and classify the problems2.(把柄) a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle 揪辫子 seize on sb.'s mistake or shortcoming; capitalize on sb.'s vulnerable point; 辫子花 cable stripe
- 迷人的小演员 68.a charming young actress
- 男人的小烦恼 the little disturbances of man
- 帮某人的忙 do sb.a favour
- 绑某人的票 hold sb. to ransom
- 剥夺某人的… strisb of sth
- 称赞某人的 give sb applause for
- 吃某人的药 take one's medicine
- 除去(某人的)习性 break of