房屋 houses; buildings; eco-; oeco-; -ecious; -ecium 用砖建造的房屋 brick house; 拆迁房屋 take a house to pieces to set it up elsewhere; 腾空房屋 vacate a house; empty a house; 大小适中的房屋 moderate-sized house; 这所房屋租给我们以前是谁住的? who occupied this house before it was let to us? 许多房屋被飓风摧毁。 many buildings were demolished by a hurricane
抵押 mortgage; hold in pledge; hypothecate; pledge; impawn; collateralize; collateral; pawn 以某物作抵押 raise a mortgage on sth.; leave sth. as a pledge; 归还抵押借款 pay off the mortgage; 以动产抵押的货款 a loan on pledge of personal property; 银行拒绝接受任何土地抵押。 the bank refused to accept any mortgage on land. 我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。 i have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money. 抵押早已期满。 the pledge has long since run out.; 抵押背书 endorsement in pledge; 抵押贷款 collateral [mortgage] loan; loan against collateral; loan on mortgage; 抵押担保品 collateral security; 抵押登记凭证 certificate of registration of mortgage; 抵押放款 mortgage [secured] loan; loan on collateral security; loan on security; pledge against a loan; 抵押负债 mortgage liability [debt]; 抵押合同 mortgage [hold] contract; 抵押汇票 draft drawn against securities; 抵押价值 hypothecary value; 抵押经纪人 mortgage middleman; 抵押契据 mortgage (deeds); instrument of pledge; 抵押权 mortgage; hypothecation; 抵押权人 pledgee; 抵押人 pledger; 抵押市场 mortgage market; 抵押诉讼 mortgage action; 抵押税 mortgage dues; 抵押透支 overdrafts secured; 抵押物 object given as a pledge; 抵押险 hypothecation insurance; 抵押信贷 mortgage credit; 抵押银行 mortgage bank; 抵押银行债券 mortgage bank debenture; 抵押债券 mortgage bond; 抵押债务 mortgage debenture; 抵押帐户 hypothecated account; 抵押证书 mortgage instrument; 抵押资产 mortgage assets; 抵押资金 mortgage money
A bank is a creditor when it issues a $30,000 mortgage . 当银行发放一笔三万美元的房屋抵押贷款时,它是债权人。
You will also need to apply for a mortgage loan from a bank 您还需要到银行申请房屋抵押贷款。
And a mortgage .和房屋抵押
Homeowners struggling with their mortgages perhaps doubt that a zillionaire understands their plight . “ annoy the rich 为房屋抵押而奋斗的私房业主也许会怀疑一个亿万富翁是否了解他们的状况。
To apply for a home mortgage in china , the applicant may either be a chinese citizen or a foreign passport holder 在中国申请房屋抵押贷款的申请人可以是中国公民,也可以是持有外籍护照的外籍人士。
Free mercedes lease ( conditions apply ) . owner may carry a second mortgage on specific terms with 10 % down 屋主提供免费租赁宾士车( mercedes ) (有条件限制) 。买主支付10头款,屋主可提供第二顺位房屋抵押贷款。
In his weekly radio address , the president focus on economic proposals meant to ease u . s mortgage defaults which has destructed worldwide financial markets 在他每周的广播讲话中,总统将主要话题集中在经济提案上,意欲想缓解已扰乱世界金融市场的美国房屋抵押贷款违约危机。
Where houses on state - owned land acquired in accordance with law are mortgaged , the land - use right to the state - owned land occupied by the houses shall be mortgaged at the same time 第三十六条以依法取得的国有土地上的房屋抵押的,该房屋占用范围内的国有土地使用权同时抵押。
In his weekly radio address , the president focused on economic ( proposals ) meant to ease u . s . mortgate defaults , which have disrupted worldwide financial markets 在他每周的广播讲话中,总统将主要话题集中在经济提案上,意欲想缓解已扰乱世界金融市场的美国房屋抵押贷款违约危机。
America ' s housing and mortgage industries have been hard - hit by a peaveal upheaval in the so - called " sub - prime " market , referring to loans with higher interest rates desired for those with poor credit 美国的房屋抵押业被所谓的二级市场的剧变严重打击了,对于信用差的人提高贷款利率。