

发音:   用"房屋抵押"造句


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  1. A bank is a creditor when it issues a $30,000 mortgage .
  2. You will also need to apply for a mortgage loan from a bank
  3. And a mortgage
  4. Homeowners struggling with their mortgages perhaps doubt that a zillionaire understands their plight . “ annoy the rich
  5. To apply for a home mortgage in china , the applicant may either be a chinese citizen or a foreign passport holder


        房屋:    houses; buildings; eco-; oec ...
        抵押:    mortgage; hold in pledge; hy ...
        房屋抵押贷款:    home mortgage loan
        房屋抵押公开法:    home mortgage disclosure act
        国际房屋抵押贷款联合会:    international union for housing finance
        论房屋抵押与房屋按揭的异同:    rar
        (房屋)抵押付款:    mortgage
        抵押房屋:    have a monkey on a house
        房屋:    houses; buildings; eco-; oeco-; -ecious; -ecium 用砖建造的房屋 brick house; 拆迁房屋 take a house to pieces to set it up elsewhere; 腾空房屋 vacate a house; empty a house; 大小适中的房屋 moderate-sized house; 这所房屋租给我们以前是谁住的? who occupied this house before it was let to us? 许多房屋被飓风摧毁。 many buildings were demolished by a hurricane
        抵押:    mortgage; hold in pledge; hypothecate; pledge; impawn; collateralize; collateral; pawn 以某物作抵押 raise a mortgage on sth.; leave sth. as a pledge; 归还抵押借款 pay off the mortgage; 以动产抵押的货款 a loan on pledge of personal property; 银行拒绝接受任何土地抵押。 the bank refused to accept any mortgage on land. 我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。 i have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money. 抵押早已期满。 the pledge has long since run out.; 抵押背书 endorsement in pledge; 抵押贷款 collateral [mortgage] loan; loan against collateral; loan on mortgage; 抵押担保品 collateral security; 抵押登记凭证 certificate of registration of mortgage; 抵押放款 mortgage [secured] loan; loan on collateral security; loan on security; pledge against a loan; 抵押负债 mortgage liability [debt]; 抵押合同 mortgage [hold] contract; 抵押汇票 draft drawn against securities; 抵押价值 hypothecary value; 抵押经纪人 mortgage middleman; 抵押契据 mortgage (deeds); instrument of pledge; 抵押权 mortgage; hypothecation; 抵押权人 pledgee; 抵押人 pledger; 抵押市场 mortgage market; 抵押诉讼 mortgage action; 抵押税 mortgage dues; 抵押透支 overdrafts secured; 抵押物 object given as a pledge; 抵押险 hypothecation insurance; 抵押信贷 mortgage credit; 抵押银行 mortgage bank; 抵押银行债券 mortgage bank debenture; 抵押债券 mortgage bond; 抵押债务 mortgage debenture; 抵押帐户 hypothecated account; 抵押证书 mortgage instrument; 抵押资产 mortgage assets; 抵押资金 mortgage money
        房屋;上述房屋:    premises
        抵押,抵押款,押金:    pfand
        抵押;抵押权:    mortgage
        抵押单,抵押:    mortgage
        抵押权抵押:    mortgage
        质押,抵押,抵押品:    pledge
        抵押,抵押契据,抵押贷款:    mortgage
        (房屋)脆弱:    are flimsily built
        房屋;住宅:    housing
        房屋处:    housing department
        房屋等:    wilderness
        房屋局:    housing bureau (hb); hpd
        房屋科:    housing branch
        房屋码:    house code
        房屋漆:    house paint


  1. "房屋的外角"英文
  2. "房屋的正面"英文
  3. "房屋的主要立面"英文
  4. "房屋的最前房间"英文
  5. "房屋等"英文
  6. "房屋抵押贷款"英文
  7. "房屋抵押公开法"英文
  8. "房屋地区图"英文
  9. "房屋地下排水管"英文
  10. "房屋地下派水管"英文


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