- different likes and dislikes. these petty partisans are
- 惟 only; alone
- 此 this
- 党人 partisan; partizan
- 其 his
- 独 single; only; sole
- 异 different
- 惟此党人之不谅兮 lest flowers should all fall. why should people block the
- 独异点 monoid
- 独异点闭包 monoid-closure
- 类群 独异点 monoid
- 其人其梦 tucker: the man and his dream
- 其人其事 the man and his deeds
- 塔克:其人其梦 turker:the man and his dream
- 哲人其萎 the philosopher [the sage] is dying [passing away].; the passing away of a wise man
- 保皇党人 cavalier; tory
- 反对党人 oppositionist
- 非党人士 non-party personage; non-party people
- 复兴党人 baathist
- 革命党人 a member of a revolutionary party
- 共和党人 a republican party member
- 共和党人报 republicain
- 激进党人 le radicale; radicale le; radicale, le
- 劳工党人报 el laborista; laborista el; laborista, el
- 矛矛党人 mau mau
- 惟纯 korezumi
- 惟村 koremura