共和党 die republikaner; fianna fail (soldiers of destiny); gop; parti republicain; republic party of mongolia; republican party; the republic party; the republicans (rep)
共和党人大肆宣传联邦政府官员的廉洁问题 the republicans made a great whoop and a holler about the honesty of federal employees
The republicans would not even have said hello to us . 共和党人是连理都不会理我们的。
Most of them are conservative and republican . 他们绝大多数都是思想比较保守的共和党人。
To the country at large he promised abundance if the republicans won . 他对整个国家则保证:如果共和党人取胜,就会有富饶。
But many of adams's most vocal and unrelenting critics turned out to be republicans . 但是对亚当斯进行口诛笔伐的,多数竟是共和党人。
A couple of weeks after the loan guarantee act was passed, the republican came into power . 贷款保证法案通过后,过了几个星期,共和党人上台执政。
In the reagan era , well-connected republicans received favoured treatment in this organization . 在里根时代,一些关系硬的共和党人在这个机构中都受到了优待。
Republicans would have spared themselves much future trouble if they had left well enough alone in tariff legislation . 如果共和党人在关税立法方面很少过问,他们以后会省去许多麻烦。
The republican convention was a gloomy conclave, and it seemed that the delegates knew they were going through necessary motions . 共和党人的代表大会是一次阴沉的秘密会议。代表们似乎认识到,他们不过是在做出一些必要的姿态。
You ' re being denounced by nixon , republicans . . 公开指责你的有共和党人尼克松. .