任意 wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfully; just as one wishes; at will 任意捏造事实 indulge in pure fabrication; 任意摆布 order sb. about at will; get sb. by the short hairs; have sb. under one's thumb; turn [twist; wind; wrap] sb. round one's little finger; 任意诬蔑 wantonly vilify; 任意编造 arbitrarily invent; 任意歪曲历史 wilful distortion of history; 任意打击 wilfully attack; attack others as one pleases; 任意欺侮 bully others at will; 任意通行 free traffic; 任意涨价 raise prices arbitrarily; 任意常数 [数学] arbitrary constant; 任意单位 arbitrary unit; 任意港 optional port; 任意加税 slap additional taxes on; 任意条款 optional clause; permissive provision; 任意型号 disposable type; 任意仲裁 voluntary arbitration
历史 history; past records 历史上 in history; down the ages; 隐瞒自己的历史 conceal one's past record; 用历史观点看问题 look at the problem from a historical point of view; 历史背景 historical background; 历史博物馆 history museum; 历史潮流 historical trend; tide of history; 历史车轮 wheel of history; 历史地理学 historical geography; 历史地图 historical map; 历史地位 historical role; 历史地质学 historical geology; 历史范畴 historical category; 历史构造 historical structure; 历史观 conception of history; 历史剧 historical play; 历史考古法 historical archaeological method; 历史类比 historical analogy; 历史模式 historical pattern; 历史人物 historical personage [figure]; 历史任务 historic [historical] task; 历史时代 time; 历史使命 historic [historical] mission; 历史使命感 sense of historical mission; 历史唯物主义 historical materialism; 历史唯心主义 historical idealism; 历史文物 historical relice; 历史文献 historical document; 历史问题 question of a political nature in sb.'s history; 历史舞台 arena of history; 历史小说 historical novel; 历史遗产 legacy of history; historical heritage; 历史遗留问题 questions left over from history [the past]; 历史语法 historical grammar; 历史语言学 historical linguistics; 历史责任 historic responsibility; 历史责任感 sense of historical responsibility; 历史最高水平 all-time highs; 历史最高水位 highest water level on records