- luminosity classification of star
- 恒星光度 stellar luminosit
- 分类 classify
- 恒星光度 stellar luminosit◇恒星光度计 astrophotometer; astrometer
- 恒星光度表 photometric catalogue
- 恒星光度计 astrophotometerastrometer
- 恒星光度列表 list of brightest stars
- 恒星光谱分类 stellar classification
- 光度分类 luminosity classification
- 恒星光谱 stellar spectrum◇恒星光谱序 sequence of stellar spectra; 恒星光谱学 stellar spectroscopy; astrospectrometry
- 恒星光谱序 sequence of stellar spectra
- 恒星光谱学 stellar spectroscopy
- 恒星光谱仪 stellar ectrometer; stellar spectrometer
- 恒星光球 stellar photosphere
- 恒星光行差 aberration of fixed stars; star aberration; stellar aberration
- 恒星光照度 steller illuminance
- 低光度恒星 subliminous star
- 高光度恒星 super-luminous star
- 亚光度恒星 subluminous star
- 恒星分类 star classification; stellar classification
- 光度分布 photometric repartition
- 光度分布计 light-distribution photometer
- 光度分析 photometric analysis
- 光度分析法 analytical photometry
- 光度分析器 photometric analyzer
- 光度分析仪 photometric analyzer