怨天尤命 curse one's stars; repine against providence and at one's fate; repine at heaven and lay the blame on fate; quarrel with providence 他显然对你这种怨天尤命的态度不满意。 he seemed annoyed at your complaining manner
怨天尤人 grumble against [to repine at] heaven and lay the blame upon other people; blame everybody but oneself; blame fate [heaven] and other people; complain about natural conditions and other people; murmur against heaven and blame other people; show resentment at [against] heaven and lay the blame on man 自家掘坑自家埋, 怨天尤人全是错误的。 they are digging their own graves, and they have no right to blame fate or other people
怨天怨地什么意思:yuàn tiān yuàn dì 【解释】抱怨天又抱怨地。形容埋怨不休 【出处】元·高文秀《遇上皇》第三折:“到今日,悔,悔,悔。也是我前世前缘,自作自受,怨天怨地。” 【拼音码】ytyd 【用法】联合式;作谓语;含贬义 【英文】murmur against heaven and earth