指出 point out; lay [put] one's finger on; remind of; refer sb. to; be a sign of ; state briefly; show clearly; indicate; pinpoint 指出某人的弱点 lay one's fingers on sb.'s weak spot; 指出正确方向 point out the correct way
强调 stress; emphasize; lay stress on; underline 强调指出 point out emphatically; 强调说明 declare; 不适当地强调情况特殊 lay undue stress on special circumstances; 强调重点 lay stress on the importance; 强调意见 an emphatic opinion; 强调科学技术的重要作用 emphasize the important role of science and technology; 强调成分 intensifier
It should be emphasized that the laser is in no sense a source of energy . 应当强调指出,激光器绝不是一个能源。
There are two points which must be emphasized in connection with the uncertainty principle . 关于测不准原理,有两点必须强调指出。
One thing that must be stressed at this point is that love is not synonymous with sex . 在这一方面,必须强调指出一点,即爱情不等于性欲。
Moscow stressed that israel had no standing to discuss soviet emigration policies . 莫斯科强调指出,以色列没有资格来讨论苏联的移民政策问题。
We must recall that this reaction involves not just the encounter of two molecules and constituent atoms . 我们必须强调指出,该反应不只是两个分子碰撞和组成原子的碰撞。
It is worth emphasizing that the nuclear reactions occurring in the interior of the sun and stars are thermonuclear . 值得强调指出,发生在太阳和恒星内部的核反应是热核反应。
A point worth emphasizing is that hydrostatic equilibrium is fulfilled with great accuracy in stellar atmosphere . 值得强调指出,在恒星大气中,流体静力平衡是非常精确地成立的。
In the meantime critics outside the government were also emphasizing the dangers of the all-or-nothing policy . 在此期间,政府外面的批评者也正在强调指出这种孤注一掷政策的危险性。
It should be emphasized that this treatment of the gyroscope problem involves only a simple though important case . 应该强调指出,这种对回转仪问题的处理仅包括了一种简单而重要的情况。
Allow me, your honor, before i proceed to cast blame and ask for mercy, to state emphatically that i do not claim that this boy is a victim of injustice . 法官阁下,在我开始排除非难,请求宽恕之前,请允许我强调指出,我并不认为这孩子是不公正待遇的牺牲品。