- 强调 stress; emphasize; lay stres ...
- 众所周知 as is known to all thoughtfu ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 众所周知的 familiar (d05); well-known
- 众所周知的事 common knowledge
- 出名的,众所周知的 well-known
- 众所周知的, 有名的 well-known
- 众所周知的丑事。 public scandal
- 众所周知的丑闻 a public scandal
- 众所周知的事情 news from nowhere
- 众所周知的事实 well-known fact
- 用众所周知的方法,用众所周知的处方 usu noto
- 那支众所周知的球队 a team that we all know
- 众所周知的道理或事实 sunday school truth
- 众所周知的主机名称 well-known host name
- 众所周知 as everyone knows; as is known to all; be universally [widely] known; every barber knows that ...; everybody knows ...; it is common knowledge that ...; it is known to all that ...; it is particularly notorious that ...: 由于众所周知的原因, 两国人民间的关系中断了20多年。 owing to the reason known to all the relations between the two peoples were suspended for over twenty years. 众所周知华侨是刻苦耐劳的。 it is generally known that the overseas chinese are a hardworking lot
- 从所周知的 well-known
- 世所周知的 familiar
- 因…而众所周知 be known for
- 这另一个世界是众所周知的,因为 this other world is known as the spellbinder land, hence the
- 众所周知的精湛的英国制作工艺 the well known excellence of british workmanship
- 这些岛屿一向属中国管辖这是众所周知的 these islands have always been under chinese jurisdiction. this is known to all
- 但在镇子里,有件事众所周知 but in the town, it was well known
- 实现才比较完满众所周知 stl
- 众所周知,正如人们所知道的 as is well known