

  • voerde



  • 例句与用法
  • A slight misgiving found place in joan durbeyfield's mind .
  • A slight misgiving found place in joan durbeyfield ' s mind
  • Secretary of defense donald rumsfeld has said his final goodbyes to the troops in iraq
  • “ the near - unanimity of esteem he enjoyed during his lifetime has by no means been sustained since ” ( will crutchfield )
    “在世期间他所受到的一致尊敬在他去世后却一去不复返” (威尔?克拉士弗尔德) 。
  • Lakefield , 60 , a us airways board member who heads the committees on finance and strategy and human resources
    莱克弗尔德, 60岁,以前系美国航空公司的董事会成员,主持该董事会的财政、战略和人才资源等部门工作。
  • Jack stephan , spokesman for us airways pilots union , praised lakefield . " he brings with him perhaps the most important tool - - his record of team - building . he respects the employees .
    美国航空公司飞行员工会新闻发言人斯代彭,称赞莱克弗尔德说, “他随他带来了可能是最重要的东西他的团队建设记录。他尊重每一个员工” 。
  • Berlin ( reuters ) - a bungling german thief stole a pair of shoes in two different sizes and was caught when he went back to the shop to fix his mistake - - decked out in the very clothes he had stolen , authorities said friday
    日前,德国一位笨手笨脚的窃贼从该国西部城市比勒弗尔德的一家商店中偷走了一双尺码不一样的鞋子,此人后来竟返回该商店要求店方为其“改正错误” ,由于他当时身上所穿的服装恰好也是从那里偷窃来的,所以自然难逃被警方当场擒获的结局。
  • Berlin reuters - a bungling german thief stole a pair of shoes in two different sizes and was caught when he went back to the shop to fix his mistake - decked out in the very clothes he had stolen , authorities said friday . police in the western city of bielefeld said the shop owner recognized the 20 - year - old shoplifter because the white shoes and sports jacket he wore were available only in his shop , and had been stolen just two days earlier
    日前,德国一位笨手笨脚的窃贼从该国西部城市比勒弗尔德的一家商店中偷走了一双尺码不一样的鞋子,此人后来竟返回该商店要求店方为其“改正错误” ,由于他当时身上所穿的服装恰好也是从那里偷窃来的,所以自然难逃被警方当场擒获的结局。
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