A slight misgiving found place in joan durbeyfield's mind . 琼德北弗尔德太太倒心里有点儿嘀咕起来。
A slight misgiving found place in joan durbeyfield ' s mind 琼?德北弗尔德太太倒心里有点儿嘀咕起来。
Secretary of defense donald rumsfeld has said his final goodbyes to the troops in iraq 国防部长拉姆斯弗尔德终于对驻伊部队说拜拜。
“ the near - unanimity of esteem he enjoyed during his lifetime has by no means been sustained since ” ( will crutchfield ) “在世期间他所受到的一致尊敬在他去世后却一去不复返” (威尔?克拉士弗尔德) 。
Lakefield , 60 , a us airways board member who heads the committees on finance and strategy and human resources 莱克弗尔德, 60岁,以前系美国航空公司的董事会成员,主持该董事会的财政、战略和人才资源等部门工作。