- [中医] write a prescription for the patient
- 开方 extracting; extract a root; ...
- 子 son
- 方子 1.(药方) prescription 开方子 write out a prescription2.(配方) directions for mixing chemicals; formula
- 开方 [数学] extracting; extract a root; extraction of a root; evolution 开立方 extract the cube root; 开平方 extract the square root; radication; extract a root
- 方子春 zichun fang
- 方子哥 fang zige; zige fang
- 方子翼 fang ziyi
- 方子云 fang ziyun
- 方子萱 laura fang
- 方子璇 audrey fang
- 改方子 the improvement of the prescription
- 李方子 bangja, crown princess euimin of korea
- 配方子 prepare a prescription
- 先方子 select prescriptions
- 药方子 medical prescription
- 开方法 extraction of root; extraction of square root
- 开方根 root
- 开方器 square root extractor
- 开方数 evolution
- 长(贴本方子) nobi
- 大方木 方子 中枋 diesquare
- 地方子午圈 local meridian
- 地方子午线 local meridian
- 调调方子 make some modifications to the prescription
- 改药方子 improve the prescription
- To make money , hospitals at that time often prescribed unnecessary transfusions
- 开方子的法语:prescrire une ordonnanc prescrire une ordonnance
- 开方子的韩语:(1)처방을 쓰다[내다]. =[开方A)] (2)【북경어】 옛날, 기생이 손님에게 행하(行下)를 달라고 조르다.