

  • check in



  • 例句与用法
  • Hey , why don ' t you two just get a room . come on , sam
  • Do whatever you want ! just don ' t leave this room
  • I was at a motel with a girl , so what
  • Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room
  • Kane : i thought it was $ 129 even . that ' s what they said yesterday when we checked in
  • Now , said he , go to the other side of the bed while i order his toilet ; but don t leave the room : you may be wanted again
    “行啦, ”他说, “我要替他梳装打扮了,你到床那边去,不过别离开房间,也许还需要你。 ”
  • Sebastian stark : the only time you can be with a man in a hotel room alone is if you ' re married or i ' m dead or both
    塞巴斯蒂安:你和一个男人单独去酒店开房间的情况只有三种: 1 、你结婚了; 2 、我死了; 3 、以上两种同时发生。
  • Dutch players " wives and girlfriends are based 25 - kilometres from their team - base and spanish players need to find a room away from their headquarters if they want to see their partners because although coach luis aragones allows players to see their wives and girlfriends they cannot do so in the team hotel
  • Dutch players " wives and girlfriends are based 25 - kilometres from their team - base and spanish players need to find a room away from their headquarters if they want to see their partners because although coach luis aragones allows players to see their wives and girlfriends they cannot do so in the team hotel . advocates of the " total abstinence
  • Dutch players ' wives and girlfriends are based 25 - kilometres from their team - base and spanish players need to find a room away from their headquarters if they want to see their partners because although coach luis aragones allows players to see their wives and girlfriends they cannot do so in the team hotel
  • 其他语种释义
  • 开房间的日语:〈方〉旅館の部屋をとる.旅館に泊まる.
  • 开房间的韩语:【방언】 여관방을 빌다. 여관에 들다. 【전용】 남녀가 여관에 들다. 背bèi着父母, 双双开房间的新闻, 越来越多了; 부모를 속이고 쌍쌍이 여관에 든다는 소식이 갈수록 많아지고 있다
  • 开房间什么意思:kāi fángjiān 〈方〉租用旅馆的房间。
  • 推荐英语阅读
开房间的英文翻译,开房间英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译开房间,开房间的英文意思,開房間的英文开房间 meaning in English開房間的英文开房间怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
