Should a motorway pass under or over a large waterway ? up till about 1960 the only alternative was bridging over or tunnelling under the waterway 公路应该从江河的下方还是上方通过?直到1960年左右所能选择的方案只是水上架桥法或水下开凿隧道法。
This is why a special tunnelling machine capable of excavating through both soft ground as well as hard rock was used . without this machine , the tunnelling would have to be done by cut - and - cover method , causing major traffic and environmental disruption . with this tbm , all these impacts can be avoided 故此选用这台既可在软土又可在硬石层运作的隧道钻挖机,避免以明挖随填的方法开凿隧道,免却对交通及环境造成严重影响。