望而生畏 be terrified (awed) by the sight of sb. or sth.; awe-inspiring; be daunted at the sight of; inspire awe even from distance; stand in awe 令人望而生畏 awe-inspiring; forbidding
There occurred a gigantic language reform . 一个声势浩大的语言改革运动应运而生。
Government, law, property, and the state appeared on the scene . 政府、法律、财产以及国家便应运而生。
A large number of independent african countries emerge at a historic moment . 一大批非洲独立国家应运而生。
Each great man belongs to his time and can come only at his proper moment . 每个伟人都属于他的时代,只会应运而生。
The need to pass the examinations gives rise to a huge tutoring industry . 为适应通过考试的需要,大规模的补习教育事业应运而生。
In this world of literate, closely-knit communities, on the periphery of boston, appeared the phenomenon of transcendentalism . 就在波士顿周围抱成一团的文化人圈子里,超验思想应运而生。
Then computer - assisted instruction ( cai ) emerges 计算机辅助教育应运而生。
Yet it has also created thousands of new jobs 但同时成千上万的新工作也应运而生。
Therefore , animal factories came into being 所以, “动物工厂”就应运而生了。
And now the network processor is come on 在这种情况下网络处理器应运而生。