- 并 combine; merge; incorporate; ...
- 趾 toe
- 现象 appearance; phenomenon
- 拇趾现象 great toe phenomenon
- 少趾现象 hypodactylism
- 伸趾现象 bakinskis reflex; toe phenomenon
- 无指趾现象 ectrodactyly
- 足趾现象 toe phenomenon
- 埃德耳曼大脚趾现象 edelmann's great toe phenomenon
- 足趾现象, 巴彬斯奇氏反射 toe phenomenon
- 并趾 dactylion; interdigitate; syndactylia; syndactylism; syndactyly of toes
- 并指 并趾 dactylion
- 并趾的 syndactyl
- 并趾指 interdigitate; syndactylism; syndactyly
- 并趾足 syndactylous foot
- 并指 并趾 合指症 syndactylia
- 并趾多趾 synpolydactyly
- 并趾畸形 syndactyly; zygodactyly
- 并趾建立 creation of syndactyly
- 并趾缺趾 ectrosyndactylia; ectrosyndactyly
- 并趾形成 formation of syndactyly of toe
- 多并趾畸形 polysyndactyly
- 现象 appearance (of things); phenomenon 自然现象 natural phenomenon; 社会现象 social phenomenon; 向不良现象作斗争 combat unhealthy phenomena; 暂时现象 transient phenomenon; 日[月]食是一个有趣的现象。 an eclipse is an interesting phenomenon
- 并指并趾畸形 syndactyly
- 并趾伴骨融合 syndactyly of toes with fusion of bones