We must learn how to rise on our toes . 我们得去学习怎么样以趾尖站起来。
He resented bitterly the authority of the petty officers . 他讨厌那些趾高气昂的小军官。
The big toe has two phalanges . 大趾有两节趾骨。
Please move your gracious steps . 请移玉趾。
The ladies again skipped and danced and bounced on their toes . 女士们再度以她们的趾尖轻跳、舞蹈、弹跳。
Many thanks for your telegrams about operations in the toe of italy . 关于在意大利趾形地区作战情况的来电已经收到,十分感谢。
Much of the higher reflecting alluvium and limestone fell along the toe portion of the characteristic curve . 大部分反射率较高的冲积层和灰岩都位于特性曲线的趾部。
The second crack is a crack originating at the groove weld toe of the column flange-girder flange connection . 第二种是产生于立柱翼缘与主梁翼缘连接处的坡口焊缝焊趾处的裂纹。
Cracks, growing at weld toe, tend to form at numerous sites along the transverse width perpendicular to the applied stresses . 焊趾处萌生的裂纹往往在垂直于作用应力方向沿着横向宽度在多处形成。
It feels like a red - hot knife stabbing my toe 好像烧红的刀子在我拇趾上戳一样。
趾的韩语:[명사] (1)발가락. 趾骨; 활용단어참조 鹅鸭之类趾间有蹼; 거위와 오리류의 발가락 사이에는 물갈퀴가 있다 蛙的后肢有五趾; 개구리의 뒷발에는 발가락이 다섯 개 있다 →[脚jiǎo指头] (2)발. 趾高气扬; 활용단어참조 请移玉趾; 【격식】 청컨대 와 주시기 바랍니다 圆颅方趾; 둥근 머리와 네모진 발. 【비유】 인간