beijing geodetic coordinate system
年 year北京 Beijing; Peking北京坐标系 beijing corrdinate system坐标系 coordinate axis system; coordinate frame; coordinate system set of coordinates; coordinates system; coordinatesystem; coordination system(axi ystem); coordination system(axissystem); csys; frame of axes; koordinatensystem coordinate system; photogrammetric coordinate system; reference of axes; system of coordinates; ucs年北京到阿卜哈 ahb坐标制, 坐标系统 coordinated system坐标制,坐标系统 coordinate system板坐标系统 table coordinates标准坐标系 conventional coordinates彩色坐标系 color coordinate system; colorcoordinatesystem参考系,坐标系 reference frame参考坐标系 frame of reference; rcs (reference coordinate system); reference axes system; references coordinate system参照坐标系 frame of reference草图坐标系 scs测地坐标系 geodesic coordinate system; system of geodesic coordinates赤道坐标系 equatorial coordinate system; equatorial system; equinoctial coordinate system大地坐标系 earth coordinates; geodetic coordinate system; geodetic coordinates; geodeticcoordinatesystem; world coordinate system弹丸坐标系 projectile coordinate system导弹坐标系 missile axes; missile-based coordinate system地方坐标系 local coordinate system地固坐标系 body-fixed coordinate system; body-fixedcoordinatesystem; body-fixed coordinate system,earth―fixed coordinate system; earth-fixed coordinate system; earth-fixedcoordinatesystem地极坐标系 coordinate system of the pole; coordinatesystemofthepole地理坐标系 geographic coordinate system地面坐标系 earth axes; earth coordinate system; earth's axes; earthbound system; fixed earth system地平坐标系 horizon system of coordinates; horizontal coordinate system; horizontal system of coordinates
Gps receiver message of localization based on u . s . a . wgs84 coordinate system of the earth " s core , map of our country drawn and made according to 1954 - beijing geodetic coordinate system . in order to improve the precision , need to carry on coordinates transformation Gps接收机的定位信息是基于美国地心坐标系的wgs84坐标,而我国的地图多根据1954年北京坐标系 测绘制作,为了提高定位的精度,需要进行坐标转换。