- 标准 standard; criterion; benchma ...
- 费米标准坐标系 fermi normal coordinate system
- 基准坐标系 datum csys; frame of reference
- 标准坐标 canonical coordinates; standard coordinate
- 标准坐标纸 normal graph paper
- 地心基准坐标系 geocentric reference frame
- 炮塔基准坐标系 turret reference coordinate system
- 日心基准坐标系 heliocentric reference frame
- 通用基准坐标系 universal reference frame
- 地球局部基准坐标系 earth-fixed local reference frame
- 地心地球基准坐标系 geocentric earth reference frame
- 地心惯性基准坐标系 geocentric inertial reference frame
- 地心轨道基准坐标系 geocentric orbital reference frame
- 指向地球的基准坐标系 earth-pointing reference frame
- 准坐标 quasi coordinates; quasi-coordinates
- 基准坐标 reference coordinate
- 坐标系 coordinate axis system; coordinate frame; coordinate system set of coordinates; coordinates system; coordinatesystem; coordination system(axi ystem); coordination system(axissystem); csys; frame of axes; koordinatensystem coordinate system; photogrammetric coordinate system; reference of axes; system of coordinates; ucs
- 校准坐标方格 calibrated grid
- 坐标制, 坐标系统 coordinated system
- 坐标制,坐标系统 coordinate system
- 板坐标系统 table coordinates
- 北京坐标系 beijing corrdinate system
- 彩色坐标系 color coordinate system; colorcoordinatesystem
- 参考系,坐标系 reference frame
- 参考坐标系 frame of reference; rcs (reference coordinate system); reference axes system; references coordinate system
- Fermi normal coordinate system