- addre ing exception
- addre ing fault
- addressing exception
- 故障 hitch; breakdown; stoppage; ...
- 地址故障 address fault
- 保留寻址方式故障 reserved addressing mode fault
- 寻址 addre ing; adsel address selective; sub
- 故障 hitch; breakdown; stoppage; fault; faulting; accident; blunder; bug; conk; failure; impairment; inaction; malfunction; mischance; mischief; missing; out-of-order; trouble; wrecking; pravity; foulup; conkout; defect 找出故障 locate a trouble; find out fault; 这机器出了什么故障? what's the trouble with the machine?; 故障测定 failure terms; 故障测试 fault test; 故障查找 trouble shoot; trouble shooting; 故障处理 recovery processing; 故障分布 failure distribution; 故障分析 fault analysis; malfunction analysis; 故障检修 trouble shooting; corrective maintenance; 故障排除 trouble removal; 故障预测 failure prediction
- 表寻址 table addressing
- 地址,寻址 add address; adds address
- 段寻址 segment addressing
- 光寻址 optical address
- 可寻址 baf b addressable ff
- 空寻址 blank addressing
- 位寻址 bit addre ing; bit addressing
- 寻址,编址 addressing
- 寻址级 addressing level
- 隐寻址 one-ahead addressing; oneahead addressingg
- 再寻址 readdressing
- 子寻址 sub-addressing
- 自寻址 self-routing
- 便笺式寻址, 暂存寻址 scratch pad addressing
- 固有寻址;本质寻址 addressing, inherent
- 子地址寻址,子寻址 sub-addressing
- 按序寻址 sequential addressing
- 按页寻址 paged addressing
- 按字节寻址 byte addressing
- 本质寻址 addressing inherent