- 按序 according to the order of se ...
- 按序编址 顺序寻址 sequentialaddressing
- 顺序寻址 sequential addressing
- 微程序寻址 microprogram addressing
- 程序寻址时钟 program-addressable clock
- 应用程序寻址 application program addressing
- 按序 according to the order of sequence◇按序编制程序 sequential programming; 按序抽样 sequential sampling; 按序存取 sequential access; 按序存取存储器 sequential access memory; 按序检验 sequential test; 按序排序 sequential collating; 按序切换开关 [电学] commutator switch; 按序询问法 polling method; 按序运算 sequential operation; 按序转接 sequential switching
- 寻址 addre ing; adsel address selective; sub
- 顺序寻线 sequential hunting
- 有序寻觅伫列 ordered seek queuing
- 按序报警器 sequential-alarm module
- 按序编号的 sequentially numbered
- 按序编址 sequential addressing
- 按序抽样 sequential sampling
- 按序抽样法 sequential sampling method
- 按序处理 sequential processing
- 按序存储器 sequential access memory
- 按序存取 sequential access
- 按序存取法 sequential access method
- 按序存取卷 sequential access volume
- 按序等系统 sequential scheduling system
- 按序叠置法 filing system
- 按序发送 send sequential
- 按序方式 sequential mode
- 按序分配 sequential allocation