- 对方 the other side; the other pa ...
- 所有权 proprietary rights; ownershi ...
- 买方所有权保证 guarantee of title
- 官方所有的 authority owned; authority-owned
- 投合对方所好 cater to the tastes of the other party
- 所有权 proprietary rights; ownership; title; proprietorship 所有权与经营权分开[离] separate ownership from managerial authority; separation of ownership and management; 所有权客体object of the right of ownership;所有权(物权)凭证 document of title; 所有权申报 declaration of ownership; 所有权移转 passing of title; 所有权证件 document of title; 所有权证明书 certificate of title; 所有权证书 certificate of ownership; 所有权转让 transfer of ownership; 所有权转移 passing of title
- 所有权, 占有权 title of possession
- 所有权;拥有权 ownership
- 所有,拥有,所有权 possession
- 所有权;所有制 ownership
- 所有制,所有权 ownership
- 所有权 所有权权利 所有权权利 proprietaryrights
- 所有权;拥有权;业权 ownership
- 所有权, 所有权权利 proprietary right
- 所有权赁证, 所有权状 title of ownership
- 所有权,所有制,主权 ownership
- 剥夺所有权 expropriate
- 保留所有权 reserve ownership; with retained ownership
- 变更所有权 change of ownership
- 表明所有权 indicating ownership
- 部分所有权 part ownership
- 财产所有权 property in goods; property ownership; property right; title of property; title property; title to property; tittle to property
- 产权所有权 equity ownership
- 产业所有权 domain; industrial property; title to the estate
- 船舶所有权 ownershiof ship; ship ownership