他越过对方后卫趁势把球踢入球门 he dribbled past the fullback and scored a goal
As they find themselves up by two touchdowns 庆祝他们连续两个越过对方球门线的六分
As they find themselves up by two touchdowns 庆祝他们连续两个越过对方球门线的六分
The team scoring the most goals wins 比赛的目标很明显:往对方球门里射球。
A very hot game , thereby throwing the ball hit into the other goal scoring 一个很hot的游戏,将球击打进对方球门得分。
Introduction : a very hot game , thereby throwing the ball hit into the other goal scoring 一个很hot的游戏,将球击打进对方球门得分。
Running the length of the field , he was able to touch the ball down just in time 他从球场的一端跑到另一端,及时带球到对方球门线后触地得分。
The games proceeds with each team attempting to control the ball , move it down the field , _ and _ score a goal 比赛双方都试图更多地控球,将球带过场地,送入对方球门。
The low pull - back was met crisply by peru striker pizarro , although goalkeeper colin doyle should have kept the effort out 秘鲁前锋的射门洞穿对方球门,虽然守门员碰到了皮球。
A game where you control a red or green ball trying to score the white ball into the opponent ' s gate 这是个球类游戏,玩家可控制一个红球或绿球,并想办法将白色球打入对方球门。
An act of carrying , receiving , or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent ' s goal line for a score of six points 攻方持球触地越过对方球门线的持球、接球或获得对球的控制的行为,可得到六分