- 家 family; household
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 贵客 distinguished guest
- 臭 odour; smell
- 多 many; much; more
- 贵客臭事多 houseguest
- 骗徒臭事多 dirty rotten scoundrels
- 吉事多 giesdor
- 土仓有贵 yuuki tokura
- 稀有贵金属 rare noble metal; rare precious metals
- 贵客光临 max dugan returns
- 贵客盈门 the house was full of distinguished guests
- 美国没有贵族 the united states does not have a nobility
- 家有miss happy lesson
- 设宴招待贵客 give a dinner in honour of distinguished guests
- 村小故事多 stories in a small village
- 夫妇妙事多 baby brokers
- 公私恋事多 in the realm of success
- 公园乐事多 science at the park
- 共事多年 have been colleagues for many years
- 好事多磨 1.(好事情常遇波折) the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks.; good things are a long time in coming.; the realization of good things is usually preceded by rough goings.2.(真挚爱情常经历曲折) the course of true love never did run smooth.; love's course se
- 基场恋事多 regular guys
- 临门妙事多 seems like old times
- 男子妙事多 a new life
- 抢匪妙事多 carpool