

音标:[ hǎoshìduōmó ]   发音:
  • 1.(好事情常遇波折) the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks.; good things are a long time in coming.; the realization of good things is usually preceded by rough goings.
    2.(真挚爱情常经历曲折) the course of true love never did run smooth.; love's course se



  • 例句与用法
  • The course of true love never did run smooth .
  • The course of true love never did run smooth
  • It ' s a long story . - hey , congratulations
  • “ all good things come to those who wait , ” goes a popular american saying
    美国有一句流行语叫“好事多磨” 。
  • Do not take medicine at random , the proposal goes to normal hospital consulting an expert ! the road to happiness full of hardships , cannot act too hastily
  • Finally , he agreed to let his dog follow a vegetarian diet on a trial basis , and more than one month later , the dog was completely healed
  • Martin cunningham frequently said he would work a pass through egan but some deuced hitch or other eternally cropped up with the net result that the scheme fell through
  • Too bad , when she was so happy . but as they say , " life often brings misfortune at the time of great happiness . " it ' s simply fate . you can ' t help it
    她还沉浸在新婚喜悦中的时候,不幸就降临了。就像那句话说的“好事多磨” 。这就是命啊,人是没办法控制得了的。
  • B : too bad , when she was so happy . but as they say , " life often brings misfortune at the time of great happiness . " it ' s simply fate . you can ' t help it
    她还沉浸在新婚喜悦中的时候,不幸就降临了。就像那句话说的“好事多磨” 。这就是命啊,人是没办法控制得了的。
  • Now instead of later : once upon a time , americans understood the principle of deferred gratification . we put a little of each paycheck away " for a rainy day "
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 好事多磨的法语:un heureux événement n'arrive pas sans beaucoup de frictions./il n'y a pas de roses sans épines.
  • 好事多磨的日语:〈成〉好事魔多し.よい事にはとかく邪魔が入りやすい.▼“磨”は邪魔?困難の意.“好事多魔”とも書く. 谁知好事多磨,眼看快成功了,又出了岔儿 chàr /まったく好事魔多しで,まもなく成功だと思ったらまた支障が起きた.
  • 好事多磨的韩语:【성어】 좋은 일에는 방해가 많기 마련이다. 호사다마. =[好事多魔] [好事多魔难]
  • 好事多磨的俄语:[hǎoshì duōmó] обр. нет роз без шипов; счастье не даётся без труда
  • 好事多磨什么意思:hǎo shì duō mó 【解释】好事情在实现、成功前,常常会遇到许多波折。 【出处】金·董解元《西厢》一:“真所谓佳期难得,好事多磨。” 【示例】哪知~,常常会遇到许多波折。(清·曾朴《孽海花》第十六回) 【拼音码】hsdm 【灯谜面】王宝钏当皇后 【用法】主谓式;作宾语、定语、分句;指男女爱情等 【英文】the road to happiness is strewn with s...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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