- 学 study; learn
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 榜样 example; model; pattern
- 他工作的榜样 a sample of his work
- 成为某人的榜样 be an example to sb
- 学习某人的榜样 learn from sb.'s example
- 一个无私的榜样 an example of unselfishness
- 你应该学习最好的榜样 you must take after the best example
- 他为我们树立了简朴生活的榜样 he set us an example of plain living
- 榜样 example; model; pattern 为我们树立好榜样 set a good example to us; 学习某人的好榜样 follow a good example of sb.; take sb. as the model; 榜样的力量是无穷的。 a fine example has boundless power. 你应该学习最好的榜样。 you must take after the best example
- 例子,榜样 beispiel, das;-e
- 先例, 榜样 a leading card
- 表示“…学” ics
- 学…的样 take advantage of; take after; take one’s cue from
- 榜样的力量 force of example
- 榜样皮博迪 peabody energy
- 榜样群体 model group
- 道德榜样 moral example
- 光辉榜样 a shining example
- 树立榜样 set an example to
- 为…树立榜样 set an example to sb
- 效法, 以为榜样 follow the lead of sb
- 行为榜样 role model
- 做出榜样 set the pace