- 他 he
- 工作 work; operation; working; op ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 榜样 example; model; pattern
- 学……的榜样 take after
- 成为某人的榜样 be an example to sb
- 学习某人的榜样 learn from sb.'s example
- 一个无私的榜样 an example of unselfishness
- 奥修谈论关于他工作的继续 osho talks about the continuation of his work
- 你应该学习最好的榜样 you must take after the best example
- 他工作很忙 his work leaves him no time for pleasure
- 他工作严谨 he is strict in his work
- 工作的 active; operated; operating; operational; operative; working
- 他工作成功了 he succeeded in his work
- 他工作到深夜 he worked deeinto the night
- 他工作很累了。 don’t bother your father with it now
- 他工作很卖力 he spared no effort in his work
- 他工作很主动 he displays great initiative in his work. driving
- 他工作落后了 he fell behind with his work
- 他工作效率高 he was efficient in his work
- 他为我们树立了简朴生活的榜样 he set us an example of plain living
- 榜样 example; model; pattern 为我们树立好榜样 set a good example to us; 学习某人的好榜样 follow a good example of sb.; take sb. as the model; 榜样的力量是无穷的。 a fine example has boundless power. 你应该学习最好的榜样。 you must take after the best example
- 第四部分:其他工作 part iv: others
- 其他工作配合要点 supporting functions
- 他工作从不拖拉 he never puts off his work