be furious; bawl at sb. angrily; become very angry; be excited with anger; be in a blaze of passion; be wildly excited; blow one's top (at sb.); break into a furious rage; fall into a violent passion; flip one's lid [wig]; fly [go] into a rage; fly into a tremendous passion; have a fit; on the warpath; open [pour out] the floodgate of wrath; pour out the vials of one's wrath on ...; raise the roof; show a great deal of temper; show one's teeth; throw a fit; thunder against ...: 警务处长大发雷霆, 因为嫌疑犯尚未找到。 the police commissioner is on the warpath because the suspect hasn't been found. 当他进来看到一团糟时, 大发雷霆。 when he came in and saw the mess, he blew his stack
对大发雷霆 be furious with sb at sth盛怒;大发雷霆 on the warpath她大发雷霆 she blew a fuse气坏了,大发雷霆 bent out of shape勃然大怒, 大发雷霆 fly into a passion对某人大发雷霆 to give someone a piece of one's mind怒气冲天, 大发雷霆 in a towering passion; in a towering rage所以母亲大发雷霆 mother is really bent out of shape because we came home so late last night当他进来看到一团糟时大发雷霆 when he came in and saw the mess he blew his stack警务处长大发雷霆因为嫌疑犯尚未找到 the police commissioner is on the warpath because the suspect hasn't been found雷霆 1.(霹雳) thunderclap; thunderbolt2.(威力或怒气) thunder-like power or rage; wrath 大发雷霆 fly into a rage大发 daihatsu待发雷 activated mine诱发雷 booby mine; booby-mine; booby―mine德雷霆 thunder lighting雷霆881 commercial radio hong kong雷霆风 leityy雷霆谷 you only live twice雷霆链 a01s雷霆崖 the barrens thunder cliffs thunderbluff; the barrens thunder cliffs thunderbluff; thunder bluff大发move daihatsu move大发(日) daihatsu大发生 mass outbreak; massoutbreak; outbreak大发作 grand mal大发利市 killing大发贸易有限公司 tafa & co. ltd
Occasionally, joe gets into a good-sized rage . 偶尔,乔大发雷霆 。 I don't even know why i am to be rated . 我真不懂,为什么对我大发雷霆 。 He was rightly furious at the decision . 很正常地,他对那个决定大发雷霆 。 The cause of his rage was money . 他所以大发雷霆 是因为钱的事。 But miss amory was savage at her mishap . 但艾默里小姐对这件倒霉事儿却大发雷霆 。 He was too amazed to be angry . 他惊呆了,没有大发雷霆 。 He was consuming with indignation, real or feigned . 他大发雷霆 ,不知是真的还是假的。 All at once she lost her temper . 她突然大发雷霆 。 He was always ready to burst out murderously against her . 他总是待机向她凶狠地大发雷霆 。 Finally, in frustration, he just blew his stack . 最后在灰心丧气的情况下,他就大发雷霆 了。
大发雷霆的法语 :se mettre dans une violente colère;lancer feu et flammes;fulminer contre qn大发雷霆的日语 :〈成〉かんしゃく玉を破裂させる.かんかんに怒る.大发雷霆的韩语 :【성어】 격노하다. 노발대발하다. 울화통이 터지다. 他看到家里乱七八糟, 不禁大发雷霆; 그는 집안이 엉망진창인 것을 보고는 자신도 모르게 울화통이 터졌다 芝麻大的事, 哪里值得这样大发雷霆; 보잘것없는 일에 이렇게 노발대발할 필요가 있겠느냐?大发雷霆的俄语 :[dàfā léitíng] обр. метать громы и молнии; прийти в бешенство大发雷霆什么意思 :dà fā léi tíng 【解释】比喻大发脾气,大声斥责。 【出处】《三国志·吴书·陆逊传》:“今不忍小忿而发雷霆之怒。” 【示例】不知说了一句甚么话,符老爷登时~起来,把那独脚桌子一掀。(清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七十四回) 【拼音码】dflt 【灯谜面】暴雨前的闪电 【用法】动宾式;作谓语;指大发脾气,大声斥责 【英文】scream bloody murder