国际贸易 international trade◇国际贸易额 value of international trade; 国际贸易发展协会 international trade development association; 国际贸易法 international trade law; 国际贸易惯例 customs and usages of international trade; 国际贸易量 quantum of international trade; 国际贸易流动 current of international trade; 国际贸易政策 international trade policy; 国际贸易中心 international trade centre; 国际贸易组织宪章 charter for the international trade organization
To survive in the intense trade competition between countries , 为了在激烈的国际贸易竞争中生存下来,
Reinforce the rule by law in our education in the context of international trade competition 在国际贸易竞争中强化我国教育法治
International trade of service is a new field of international competitions and it is one of the key factors , which contribute to the international competitiveness of a nation 服务贸易成为了国际贸易竞争的新领域,并且成为了一个国家提高国际竞争力的重要因素。
5 . the calculation of rca index shows that shandong has an obvious advantage to other provinces on the exportation of primary commodities while a bad situation in industrial products especially those products with intensive technique and capital 6 、本文计算了山东省产业内贸易指数,结果表明,在与美国、日本等发达国家的贸易中,山东参与国际贸易竞争仍然表现出较强的垂直分工特征。
Now , the competition of international trade is intensifying . so after china joined the wto , how to build and further the system of judicial review of anti - dumping , and how to seize the development tendency of this system has become an important issue 加入wto后,随着国际贸易竞争的加剧,如何遵循wto规则建立和完善我国反倾销司法审查制度,以及如何把握这一制度的发展趋势,成了一个日趋重要的问题。
They establish gradually the status of market subject in the course of joining international division of labor and competition with other countries for world market subject . for export performance of enterprise , evaluation only by the earn foreign exchange through exports is contretemps , which need to review by the angle of modern enterprise . so , how to evaluate export performance and establish export performance evaluation system become important 传统外贸企业的发展,也从改革开放前的垄断经营到目前与外资企业、民营企业三分天下的格局,各自都逐渐确立了其在参与国际分工和国际贸易竞争中的微观主体地位。对企业的出口绩效,以前那种单纯的以出口创汇为指标来评价的方法显然已经不合时宜,需要从现代企业市场主体的角度来重新加以审视。