他是个善良和气的老太太 she was a very kind and amiable old woman
和气 1.(态度温和) gentle; kind; polite 和气可亲 kind and helpful; 说话和气 speak politely [gently]; be soft-spoken; 他对邻居很和气。 he is very kind [gentle] towards his neighbours.2.(和睦) harmonious; friendly; amiable 和和气气 polite and amiable3.(和睦的感情) friendship; harmonious relations 别为小事伤了和气。 don't let this trifling matter affect our good relationship
补血和气 norishing blood and adjusting spirit strenthening waist and sinews
She was a very kind and amiable old woman . 他是个善良和气的老太太。
"there will be no difficulty, sir," said the genial frame-maker . “这挺便当,先生,”和气的镜框师说。
He was one of the cleverest and most agreeable men, well, in europe simply . 他是最聪明,最和气的先生之一当然,这是指在欧洲而言。
Revere drew himself up a little at that, lige noticed, but his voice was pleasant . 莱奇注意到,里维尔一听这话,身子就略为绷直一些,但声音还是挺和气的。
He mimicked him behind his back, as the polite major bowed and smirked to lady clavering or miss amory . 他在和气的少校背后模仿他的动作,学他在克拉弗林夫人和艾默里小姐面前那副卑躬屈节、胁肩谄笑的神态。
The water is , but you have to pay gas and electricity 包括水,但你得付电和气的费用。
The pleasant nature of her reception rather astonished her 这样和气的接待使她大感意外。
" there will be no difficulty , sir , " said the genial frame - maker “这挺便当,先生, ”和气的镜框师说。
3 a kind word and a warm smile can leave a deep impression 一句好话,一个和气的微笑,能给人留下深刻的印象