- 饱和 saturation; saturated
- 气体 gas; gaseous fluid
- 饱和气压 saturated pressure
- 饱和气的石油 saturated oil
- 燃料和气体的配合 proportioning of fuel and air
- 乳糜和气体渗出 effusion of fluid and gas
- 血液和气体渗出 effusion of fluid and gas
- 液体和气体储罐 liquid and gas storage tanks
- 液体和气体渗出 effusion of fluid and gas
- 气体饱和 gas saturation
- 气体饱和率 gas saturation
- 和气 1.(态度温和) gentle; kind; polite 和气可亲 kind and helpful; 说话和气 speak politely [gently]; be soft-spoken; 他对邻居很和气。 he is very kind [gentle] towards his neighbours.2.(和睦) harmonious; friendly; amiable 和和气气 polite and amiable3.(和睦的感情) friendship; harmonious relations 别为小事伤了和气。 don't let this trifling matter affect our good relationship
- 平衡气体饱和 equilibrium gas saturation
- 气体饱和熔体 gassy melt
- 固体液体和气体燃料杂志 revue des combustibles solides liquides et gazeux
- 平流层气溶胶和气体实验 sage; strato heric aerosol and gas experiment; strato hericaerosolandgasexperiment; stratospheric aerosol and gas experiment
- 液体和气体用的其他 other heat exchangers for liquids and gases
- 惰性气体脱饱和 desaturation of inert gas
- 临界气体饱和率 critical gas saturation
- 平衡气体饱和率 equilibrium gas saturation
- 可燃液体和气体引燃温度试验方法 method of test for ignition temperature of flammable liquids and gases
- 石油液体和气体计量的标准参比条件 petroleum liquid and gas measurement standard reference conditions
- 油层溃缩气体饱和度 collapsing gas saturation
- 固定式内燃机和气体涡轮机的安装和使用标准 standard for the installation and use of stationary combustion engines and gas turbines
- 不和气 inhospitalityunsociability; unsociability