吹火 blow a fire; 吹熄蜡烛 puff out a candle; 吹一口气 give a puff; 那个男孩在吹气泡。the boy was blowing bubbles. 他吹掉书上的灰尘。he blew the dust off the book.2.(吹气演奏) play (wind instruments)
吹长笛 play the flute; 吹单簧管 play the clarinet; 他口琴吹得很好。he played quite well on the mouth-organ.3.(风、气流等流动; 冲击) blow; puff
风吹雨打。 the wind blows and the rain beats down. 船被风吹向礁石。the ship was blowing [blown] towards the rocks. 凉爽的微风一阵阵吹过河面。a fresh breeze puffed across the river. 什么风把你给吹来了? what brings you here?4.[口语] (夸口) boast; brag
自吹自擂 blow one's own trumpet; 先别吹, 做出具体成绩来再说。 don't brag about what you're going to do. get something done.5.(吹捧) flatter; laud to the skies
他们把他吹上了天。they puffed him to skies.6.[口语] (事情、交情破裂; 失败; 取消) break off [up]; fall through
他们俩吹了。 that couple have broken up. 我们的旅行 吹了。 our travel plan has been cancelled. 原来的计划吹了。 the original plan has fallen through. 买卖吹了。 the deal is off
吹的法语:动 1.souffler把蜡烛~灭souffler une bougie;éteindre une bougie. 2.jouer d'un instrument à vent~笛子jouer de la flûte 3.vanter;fanfaronner;hâbler自~自擂faire le fanfaron;se vanter;chanter ses propres louanges. 4....