find some better person (than myself); find someone better qualified (than myself).; please consult sb. else high up in the scale of knowledge; please have sb. else abler and more competent than myself
请高明的专家 have the best opinion高明 brilliant; bright; wise; better qualified 医术高明 high degree of medical skill; 这个主意真高明。 this is certainly a brilliant idea. 另请高明。 find someone better qualified (than myself).高明高明 ! you are really smart 另请通知 also notify请高人翻译 subluxed tempono-mandirvlar joint (locked jaw)高明的 crack高明调 highlighting高明光 gao mingguang高明俊 mingjun gao高明骏 gao, ming chun; ming-jun gao高明区 gaoming district高明三 gao mingsan高明霞 gao mingxia高明中 ming-zhong gao高明瀚 gao ming hang阮高明 nguyen cao minh源高明 minamoto no takaakira者 高明 ming gao请高手帮忙解开 txd申请高专入学资格 fachgebundene hochschulreife办事高明 play one's cards well不大高明 it is not up to much.; it doesn't amount to much不高明的 poor高明的棋手 a good chess player高明的人 whale另起一行 new paragraph另全球化 alter-globalization
When it came to anything really complicated they had to ask for help . 碰上真正复杂的毛病,就得另请高明 。 Elinor, catching all, and more than all the druggist’s fears in a moment, proposed to call in further advice . 埃莉诺立刻洞悉了药剂师心中的全部恐慌还不止是全部,并提议另请高明 。 I ' d prefer not to if you don ' t mind 如果不介意的话还是另请高明 。 From now on , it ' s going to be my way , or highway . all right 从现在开始,要么按我的来,要么另请高明 (走你的阳关道去) 。 Then , when that happened , you went to another doctor and got a prescription 那么若是如此你大可另请高明 的医师为你开处方
另请高明的法语 :chercher un homme plus compétent et mieux qualifié(pour le travail另请高明的日语 :他の有能な人に頼みなさい(私は御免こうむる).另请高明的韩语 :【성어】 (자신보다) 훨씬 더 적당한[훌륭한] 사람을 찾으십시오.另请高明什么意思 :lìngqǐng-gāomíng [find someone better qualified than myself] 原指医生看不好别人的病,知难而退,劝病家另请比自己高明的医生。现在常用来作为推脱任务的用语 这件事我办不了,最好是另请高明