

音标:[ cānzhuó ]   发音:
  • (参考实际情况加以斟酌) consider (a matter) in the light of actual conditions; deliberate; consider (a matter) in accordance with; consult and deliberate over



  • 例句与用法
  • For proof the writer refers to a passage from the book
  • Finally , suggestions for national archives , archives within government organizations and further research issues are proposed based on the findings of this research
  • Finally , suggestions for national archives , archives within government organizations and further research issues are proposed based on the findings of this research
  • In the absence of such national standards , international standards , or other technical regulations , the competent authority shall establish inspection specifications for implementation
  • The fifth section forecasts the prospect of our county " s public interest action . learning foreign experience and caring about ours situation , we shoud create orgnization action , prosecutor action and innovate representive action
  • Referring to the legislation of roman legal genealogy and judical practice of british legal genealogy and considering chinese social situation , the majority tend to believe general liabitity for fault should be adopted in reference
  • Following the results of 2003 , twd continued its efforts , in 2004 , by assigning 10 zones for district metering and expanded the household numbers from 600 units to 2 , 500 units , to gradually expand the zones and to standardize the implementation mode
    参酌92年执行成果,本处93年赓续拟订10个区域进行小区计量,并将规模由92年平均每区600户扩大至2 , 500户,期能逐步将区块扩大,建立标准执行模式。
  • After assessing strength and needs in the context of competitiveness , the essence of concurrently achieving " trinity " in international econo - technological cooperation , market development and external trade strategy for current undertaking is stressed
  • Based on using for reference of former research , and comparing unauthorized disposition legislation in international treaties and other countries , the author analyzes systematically unauthorized disposition legislation and civil law systems concerned in china
  • Based on the results and experience of twd s 2003 endeavors and incorporating advanced techniques and research data of advanced countries , twd drew up a 20 - year , long - term plan to proclaim the determination of twd in addressing leakage problems , to continue to improve leak detection and to meet the expectations of the public in this undertaking . we will actively and optimistically carry out the plan step - by - step , so that we can gradually reduce the leakage rate and leave a mark as witness to our efforts
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 参酌的法语:动 délibérer;considérer qch à la lumière des conditions actuelles
  • 参酌的日语:参酌する.斟酌[しんしゃく]する. 参酌货品的销路xiāolù来决定进货/品物の売れ行きを考えて仕入れ方を決める.
  • 参酌的韩语:[동사] 참작하다.
  • 参酌的俄语:pinyin:cānzhuó 1) учитывать, принимать во внимание в расчётах; привлекать для решения (вопроса) 2) участвовать в разборе вопроса (в решении дела)
  • 参酌什么意思:cānzhuó 参考实际情况,加以斟酌:~处理ㄧ~具体情况,制订工作计划。
  • 参酌とは意味:参酌 さんしゃく comparison and choosing the good consultation referring to
  • 推荐英语阅读
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