- 厂房 factory building workshop
- 空气 air; atmosphere
- 眼前房空气注射术 injection of air in anterior chamber of eye
- 厂房 1.(房屋) factory [mill; plant; workshop] building2.(车间) workshop◇厂房建筑 plant building; 厂房资产价值 plant appreciation
- 商品房空置 the vacancy problem in commercial housing
- 厂房;装置 plant
- 副厂房 auxiliary power house; auxiliary powerhouse
- 号厂房 q21 5b
- 主厂房 main building; main machine hall, main power building; main power house
- 出租住房空闲率 vacancy rate in rental housing
- 商品房空置的现象 the vacancy problem in commercial housing
- 坝内式厂房 power-housewithinthedam
- 参观厂房 visiting a factory
- 厂房布置 plant layout; plants layout; plantslayout
- 厂房厂貌 photos
- 厂房估价 plant appraisal
- 厂房管理类 plant management group
- 厂房和设备 facility and equipment; plant and equipment; workshop and equipment
- 厂房及设备 plant and equipment
- 厂房建筑 plant building
- 厂房结构 mill co truction; mill construction; mill-type construction
- 厂房设备 facilities; fixed plant,plant; plant and equipment; plant assets; workshops & equipments
- 厂房设计 plo plant layout
- 厂房事件 plant incident
- 厂房外系统 outbox