协调 coordinate; concert; integrate; harmonize; cohere with; be in rapport (with); bring into line 协调一致 cohere; fitting; 协调地合作 cooperate in harmony; 一篇论点不协调的论文 a dissertation that lacks harmony; 劳资协调 harmony between labour and management; 协调我们的行动 coordinate our actions; 协调优美的动作 harmonious and graceful movements; 装饰物与设计的基调不协调。 the adornments do not cohere with the basic design.; 协调发展 coordinated growth; 协调法 compatibility method; 协调反应 concerted reaction; 协调关税制度 harmonization system; 协调条件 compatibility conditions; 协调委员会 coordination committee
Some indian names had crept incongruously among the scriptural and classical references . 有些印第安名称很不协调地掺杂在经文和典故中。
Cells of scoin and understock live in harmony with each other, but do not interlace in such a manner as to form a mechanically strong point . 接穗和砧木细胞也能相互协调地生活,但是不能相互交错以形成机械上牢固的结合。
Martial styles do not always access the energies of mind and body harmoniously 武学招式并不总是协调地使用身体与精神的力量。
Cooperate : learn to cooperate in harmony . work with your partners happily 学会协调地合作。和你的同学一起愉快地进行各项活动。
In the mine drainage system many drainage pumps must work correspondly 摘要在煤矿井下的排水系统中,需要多台排水泵协调地工作。
The key technology is how to make engine , battery and motor work harmoniously 如何控制发动机、蓄电池和电机协调地工作是保证混合动力电动汽车性能的技术关键。
Guest rooms are luxurious with a royal atmosphere in harmony with the beauty of the ryokan s architecture 我们旅馆的客房豪华内部装设堂皇华丽与旅馆的优美建筑风格的协调地相互融合在一起。
The whole paper can be divided into five parts : in the first part , this paper gives a precise definition of tai through informationization 这是一篇站在宏观角度,讨论如何快速、稳定、协调地推进我国税务信息化进程的文章。
Of course , this should not be interpreted as encouraging unrealistic speed . we should do solid work , stressing efficiency , so as to realize steady , coordinated progress 当然,不是鼓励不切实际的高速度,还是要扎扎实实,讲求效益,稳步协调地发展。
At last , this paper suggests that measures should be taken to reduce the regional disparity on foreign trade development , so as to boost a harmonious growth among regions 据此,本文指出应采取积极措施缩小各地区对外贸易发展水平上的差异,以促进地区经济健康协调地发展。