a thorough-bred horse (with stamina); a pure breed horse that can sustain long-distance rides; a pedigreed horse with staying power; a sturdy mount that can gallop far without being fatigued; a winged steed; a horse that covers a thousand li a day
千里马还需千里人 it takes good horse manship to make the most of a pedigreed horse.; it takes an appreciative patron of influence and position to turn talent and ability to full account
千里眼 1.(眼光敏锐, 看得远) have the faculty of foreseeing distant future events as clairroyants claim to have2.(远见之人) farsighted person3.[心理学] clairvoyance4.(旧时称望远镜) telescope; field glasses
千里马的韩语:[명사] (1)천리마. 하루에 천리를 달리는 말. 千里马还得děi(有)千里人(骑); 【속담】 천리마도 그것을 다룰 줄 아는 사람이 있어야 한다. 보물도 그것을 알아보는 사람을 제대로 만나야 빛이 난다 (2)【전용】 우수한[영특한, 뛰어난] 젊은이. 재능이 뛰어난 사람.