盈亏包干制 system whereby enterprises are responsible for their own profits and losses; system of making enterprises responsible for their own profits and losses
财政定额包干制 the responsibility system of fixed quotas for revenue and expenditure; verantwortungssystem n.für festgelegte einnahmen-und ausgabenquoten
财政收支包干制 contract system on fiscal revenue and expenditure
地方财政包干制 system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances; system whereby local authorities take full responsibility for their finances
多种形式的包干制和责任制 verschiedene formen pl.des vertragsgebundenen systems und des verantwortlichkeitssystems
包干 be responsible for a task until it is completed; be solely responsible for an assigned task until it is fulfilled 财政包干 be responsible for one's finance; 大包干 all-round contract system; 分片包干 divide up the work and assign a part to each individual or group; 经费包干 take responsibility for one's surplus or deficits; 包干工作 lump work; 包干运费 lump sum freight; 包干租船 lump sum charter
Uniform receipts and expenditure , fiscal system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash , system of tax division between central and local , sketchily compartmentalize main revenue right and classify the mostly tax categories 统收统支、财政包干制、分税制,主要集中对收入财权进行了粗略的划分,对乡镇几个主要税种进行了分类。
In the process of transition from the planned economy to market economy , the fiscal system also reforms continuously in the quest and experiences huge variety . the implementation of tax - sharing system in the first step is to meet the request of market economy , but the reform is unsatisfactory 从统收统支的财政体制到财政包干制再到分税制财政体制,财政体制的改革经历了巨大变化,特别是分税制的初步推行开启了符合市场经济要求的财政体制的完善进程。
The new risk management model with the principle part composed of three institutions , which are contract - price adjustment , engineering insurance and total responsibility of pre - reservation expenses , establishes a mechanism to reasonably divert and assume the engineering risks between the government , enterprises and insurance companies 新型风险管理模式以合同价款调整机制、工程保险制度和预备费包干制等三项制度为主体,建立起了政府、企业和保险人合理分担风险的机制。
包干制的韩语:[명사] (1)중국 혁명 전쟁 시기와 중화 인민 공화국 수립 초기에 시행한 간부에 대한 일종의 우대 제도. [매달 일정한 식사와 약간의 생활비를 지급했음] →[供gōng给制] (2)(일정 범위 내의) 일을 도급 맡아 책임지고 하는 제도.
包干制的俄语:pinyin:bāogānzhì система материального обеспечения кадровых работников (с частичной выплатой деньгами)
包干制什么意思:bāogānzhì [a system of payment partly in kind and partly in cash] 除按月供给一定标准的伙食外,再发些钱以购置衣物的一种干部待遇制度,中国解放初期及在此之前施行过该制度