

音标:[ gōngbàichuíchéng ]   发音:
  • fail on the verge of success; suffer defeat when victory is within reach; abandon work near completion; a slip between the cup and the lip; failed in the end; between the cup and the lip; fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success; fail only when nearing success; fall through when success is in sight; fail at the last moment; flop just before the finish; a failure that was nearly a success; one's attempt fails when success is already in sight.; suffer defeat when victory is within one's grasp



  • 例句与用法
  • Thus their plan for raising rebellion in that country and mastering cheaply this wide area was frustrated on a small margin .
  • Philip : only they didn ' t because the real goalie made a fantastic save
  • The project team surveyed and made a detail system design , then the bidding document was prepared
  • At the end of the week , blaine attempted , but failed , to break the world ` s nine - minute underwater breath - holding record
  • I can give you an object to suppress the spirit for a short time , but it won ' t last unless your father has at least some shred of humanity left
    我告诉你个东西能很快镇住邪魔,但如果你父亲体内没有一点人性留存就会功败垂成。 ”
  • They were ? i don ' t see how anyone could be pumped up about our team . it ' s the same story every year : we start out well and then we choke
  • An assassination attempt against president pervez musharraf of pakistan , the fourth since 2002 and the second in less than two weeks , narrowly failed
  • Facing an uncertain future , they fought with all their might to save their lives , but at the same time , they looked at the moon with deep regret , as they were filled with frustration by their unsuccessful attempt to explore the mysterious galaxy
  • One of them is delong who once made the great achievement in industrial and capital fields , but now is put in a tight spot . the second one is zhongke which made great impact in the stock market and collapsed due to violating the state law and speculation . the third case mentioned in my thesis is the acquisition and merger between two american giants hp and compaq
  • 其他语种释义
  • 功败垂成的法语:échouer au moment où l'on est près de réussir;faire naufrage au port
  • 功败垂成的日语:〈成〉あと一息で成功というところで失敗する.
  • 功败垂成的韩语:【성어】 막 성공하려는 순간 실패하다. 거의 다 되다 말다. =[功亏一篑]
  • 功败垂成的俄语:pinyin:gōngbàichuíchéng потерпеть неудачу на пороге успеха
  • 功败垂成什么意思:gōng bài chuí chéng 【解释】事情在将要成功的时候遭到了失败。 【出处】《晋书·谢玄传论》:“庙算有余,良图不果;降龄何促,功败垂成。” 【示例】况且十二道金牌,他未必不知道是假的,何必就班师回去,以致~。(清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六十一回) 【拼音码】gbcc 【用法】偏正式;作谓语,表示惋惜 【英文】suffer defeat on the verge o...
  • 推荐英语阅读
功败垂成的英文翻译,功败垂成英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译功败垂成,功败垂成的英文意思,功敗垂成的英文功败垂成 meaning in English功敗垂成的英文功败垂成怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
