- cause one's fame to glow in the pages of history
- 功 exploit; merit; meritorious ...
- 标 Rockwell A scale
- 青史 annals of history
- 青史 1.(史书) annals of history 永垂青史 go down in the annals of history2.(姓氏) a surname 青史杰 qingshi jie
- 青史杰 qingshi jie
- 成功标准 success criteria
- 名垂青史 stamp one's name on the page of history; be crowned with eternal glory; figure in history; go down in history; leave one's name to posterity; make a name in history; one's name is handed down in history.; one's name remains forever in history.; one's name will live in history.; vindicate oneself a permanent place in history
- 青史留名 have a niche in history; be crowned with eternal glory; go down in history; history (will) hand down one's name.; leave one's name to posterity
- 永垂青史 go down in the annals of history a surname
- 项目成功标准 project success criteria
- 最低成功标价 strike price
- 功博 gonpot
- 功比(燃气涡轮机) work ratio
- 功博阿沙温威集 gonpot asawinvijit
- 功贝 kongpetch; kongpret
- 功不恕过 no merit can wipe out one's faults
- 功败垂成 fail on the verge of success; suffer defeat when victory is within reach; abandon work near completion; a slip between the cup and the lip; failed in the end; between the cup and the lip; fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success; fail only when nearing success; fall through when success is in sight; fail at the last moment; flop just before the finish; a failure that was nearly a success; one's attempt fails when success is already in sight.; suffer defeat when victory is within one's grasp
- 功不唐捐 all efforts are not made for nothing
- 功 能 塑 料 performance plastics
- 功部 kobu
- 功 名词1.(功劳) exploit; merit; meritorious service [deed]: 战功 military exploits; 立功 render meritorious service; 立二等功 win [be awarded] a second class merit2.(成效和表现成效的事情) achievement; efficacy; result 大功告成 be accomplished; 好大喜功 crave for greatness and success; 劳而无功 work hard but to no avail3.(技术和技术修养) skill; craftsmanship 基本功 basic skill; 唱功 art of singing; 芭蕾舞演员每天练功。 ballet dancers practise their skill every day.4.(一个力使物体沿力的方向通过一段距离) work 变热为功 convert heat into work; 机械功 mechanical work5.(姓氏) a surname 功景 gong jing
- 功标青史什么意思:gōng biāo qīng shǐ 【解释】功劳记在史书上。指建立了巨大功绩。 【出处】唐·杜甫《赠郑十八贲》诗:“古人日以远,青史自不泯。” 【示例】愿诸公善事使君,以图名垂竹帛,~,切勿效庶之无始终也。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三十六回) 【拼音码】gbqs