- 别 change
- 瞎 become blind
- 咧咧 speak carelessly; gossip
- 别瞎咧咧啦! Stop gossiping.Don't talk nonsense. crysob
- 咧咧 [方言]1.(乱说; 乱讲) speak carelessly; gossip 别瞎咧咧啦! stop gossiping.; don't talk nonsense.2.(小孩儿哭) cry; sob 老咧咧什么? why do you always cry
- 别瞎说 cut it out
- 大大咧咧 [方言] (of a person) careless; casual 别看他大大咧咧的, 什么事他都很在心。 he seems unconcerned, but nothing escapes his attention
- 老咧咧什么 why do you always cry
- 骂骂咧咧 intersperse one's talk with curses; be foul-mouthed
- 别胡扯, 别瞎说 get off it
- 别瞎说了 get out of it
- 别瞎弄那支枪 don't fool with that gun
- 别瞎蒙好好想想 don't make a wild guess think it over
- 别瞎泡了,快把工作做完! Stop dawdling and finish your work!
- 别瞎泡了快把工作做完 stop dawdling and finish your work
- 一个一个说别瞎吵吵 speak one at a time. don't make such a row
- 在工作时间内别瞎闹 don't fool around during working hours
- 别看他大大咧咧的什么事他都很在心 he seems unconcerned but nothing escapes his attention
- 孩子们别瞎闹我想看一会儿书 be mischievous
- 别夏斯诺夫 beschastnov; beshchacmnov
- 别夏斯诺卡 beshchacmnov
- 别吓唬猫 don’t frighten the cat
- 别先屈服 don’t cry stinking fish