(初入社会缺乏实际经验) just come out of one's thatched cottage -- a green hand; a green horn; at the beginning of one's career; be wet behind the ears; completely inexperienced in society; fledgeling; just having one's first experience in life after graduation; make one's world debut; new-fledged; yellowing-beaked; young and inexperienced
三顾茅庐 have visited the cottage thrice in succession -- to call on sb. repeatedly; make three calls at the thatched cottage; repeatedly to request sb. to take up a responsible post; request sb. repeatedly to take up a responsible post
I was a new, idealistic teacher when billy entered my fourth grade . 比利入我教的四年级班时,我还是初出茅庐,满怀理想的老师。
If miss rebecca can get the better of him, and at her first entrance into life, she is a young person of no ordinary cleverness . 初出茅庐的利蓓卡小姐如果能够驾驭这样一位先生,真算得上出人头地的聪明了。
Who else kept that first chastity of mind about their work that young doctors, young priests, and young soldiers usually started with ? 有谁能始终保持着青年医生,青年牧师和青年军人初出茅庐时所惯有的对自己事业的忠贞呢?
Introduction : novice works , please exhibitions 初出茅庐的作品,请各位多多指教。
A first - year teacher from oakland state .这位从奥克兰州来的初出茅庐的老师
I like photography , but just at the beginning 我喜欢摄影,但还是初出茅庐。
. . . a first - year teacher from oakland state . . . . .这位从奥克兰州来的初出茅庐的老师. .
A tad weak on the experience side , but - 她只是一个初出茅庐的雏儿,但是
Seven years ago , you were this debutante off the plantation , 7年前,你还是个初出茅庐的小孩子,