Second , manageable and minor nontraumatic failures of the empathic bond must occur 第二步,必须要有能被处理的,且非创伤性的共情失败。
We report a 70 - year - old man who presented with sudden onset of left eye proptosis , ptosis and diplopia after severe vomiting 摘要非创伤性的眼窝骨膜下出血曾经被报导过,一般都是因突然间的脑静脉压上升,或是全身性有出血倾向的疾病,或鼻窦炎。
But many may give up hope - - or undergo unnecessary , invasive procedures - - because their doctors don ' t know about simple ways to help them 但是很多人可能放弃希望- - -或者忍受不必要的、创伤性的方法- - -因为他们的医师不知道可以帮助他们的简单方法。
Instead some fertility doctors jump immediately to expensive , invasive procedures , such as surgically extracting sperm from the testes , when confronted by a man in a wheelchair 然而,当遇到一位坐轮椅的男性时,很多生育科医生们立即跳起来试验创伤性的方法,例如从睾丸中手术提取精子。
Conclusion extra micro norepinephrine preconditioning as a non - injury method can mimic the protective effects of classic ipc and shows its clinical values 结论外源性去甲肾上腺素预处理是一种无明显创伤性的对缺血/再灌注大鼠心脏具保护作用的预处理方法,能模拟经典缺血预处理心脏保护效应。
Peds is the medical instrument witch makes a no trauma cardiovascular hemodynamics diagnosing with patients " pulse and electrocardiogram signals and is applied to monitor patients 脉搏血流动力-心电检测系统是通过病人的脉搏和心电信号进行无创伤性的心血管血流动力学诊断和床旁监护用的医疗仪器。
Invasive cardiac service is an essential and integral part of acute medical service . percutaneous coronary interventions ( balloon angioplasty with stenting ) have become an effective treatment for coronary artery disease 创伤性的治疗方法为心脏科医生普遍采用的治疗方法,其中冠状动脉介入手术(俗称通波仔手术)为治疗冠心病的有效方法。
Eeg ( electroencephalography ) and meg ( magnetoencephalongraphy ) are noninvasive methods for exploring the neural electrical activities of brain . brain segmentation is a very important and difficult part in eeg / meg research , and many researchers have been working on this field 脑电图eeg和脑磁图meg研究属于无创伤性的脑功能成像技术,主要研究由头皮测得的脑电或脑磁信号如何获取脑内源定量的三维信息。